Could i hate the people who do this kind of stuff?
It hurts cause they disrespect us, our beliefs, most of all our God...
They are so blinded by the ways of satan...
They even misinterpret the Bible...
Click here to read the post of this anti-Christ...
This makes me sad...
They read the Bible and interpret it so wrong..
For example in this verse:
When they see a passage, they give it a bad meaning, without even reading the context...
29If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.
The Author of the post said that this is not a good Moral advice of Jesus...
Does he even know our purpose of being a Christian...
We live to do the will of God, we live to glorify Him...
If a part of our body doesn't anymore glorify God, What's the use of that part...
Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, we cannot have impurities on our body...
It should be holy and acceptable to God..
For example, in a pile or group of fresh tomatos, would you like to see rotten tomatos piled up with the fresh ones... of course you remove the rotten ones...
Christians, Brothers and Sisters in Christ...
Let us all be in prayer of these people
who are still blinded by the truth...
People who still don't know and haven't received Christ as their Savior...
They may hail satan now..
and satan would give them the pleasures and the goods of this world...
But the one they hail would be the one to burn them in Hell...
its the price to pay...
not only for a day... nor for a month nor year... But forever....
Do they know how forever would feel??
Say what they want...
We are FREE...
FREE from the bond of sin...
through our faith and the Grace of God
By the blood of Jesus Christ...
May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all...
Hi Rikkiboi,
We are called by Jesus Christ to live out our faith in the power of the Holy Spirit. Read Romans 12:9-21.
LoCTY!(=Love of Christ To You)
You have no god - and you have no devil, you jsut are. You use these fake idols to give excuses for behaviour and wrath while also claiming to do there bidding. You are all cowards hiding behind a fake cause and belief. I know this to be true and have seen so much proof. You follow nothing more than a best seller written eons ago by people of fear looking to cast that fear down through the ages. Christ was never, christ will never be, and Christ, god and the whole trio are figments. They are no more gods and laws anymore than other books and works of fiction. If you praise these invisible and unseen forces your a fool. Show me a miracle and show me the smite for my words? Oh yes there are none and there never will be. Reject this stupidity or else accept that god and shall we say santa - they both live to be told and imagined but never seen.
I pity you all.
I pity you more...
what's with the word mr. balthazar? usually people with no belief in god stay calm or make a book about their theory. what happen to you to write such comment? are you seeing people become better with God and you want to join but your belief restrain you? OF COURSE NOT, right? hey, what are you feeling nowadays, joy?
Because Jesus and "god" love people who hate, bully, beat, kill, and judge innocent people? Homosexuals have done nothing wrong. You bad Christians need to stop going crazy and need to stop going rogue. Homosexuals are born the way they are. And god (If there is one) loves them a lot more than he loves people like you. Why would god love cruelty and hate. You Christian's are what is making god look like an asshole. It is YOUR fault we have wars. It is YOUR fault we have genocides. It is your fault we have hate. Open your eyes for once. There are a lot of silly and ridiculous things that are mentioned as "sinful" in the Bible that you just look past every day of your life but when it comes to Gays it's different? You are hateful, stupid, and mean, and therefor, Jesus does not appreciate you. You Christians will all burn in the hell you have dreamed up. Oh and one more thing... If the Christian god is real, he LOVES gay guys. ;]
Jakeholl: God does love Gay Guys. That does NOT, however, mean that he loves their sin... And yes there are a lot of "Christians" that twist the word of God and use it to bend peoples' minds for their own will. But remember this, we Christians are not perfect... just forgiven :)
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